[Iσραήλ] Στη φυλακή 18χρονη γιατί αρνήθηκε να πολεμήσει στη Γάζα

TEL AVIV – On Sunday, Khaberni reported that it is likely that 18-year-old Sofia Orr will become the first Israeli girl to be imprisoned for refusing to enlist in the mandatory Israeli military service due to her political beliefs.

“On February 25, the date of my conscription, I will refuse to enlist and will go to military prison because of that. I reject participating in the violent policies of oppression and apartheid that Israel has imposed on the Palestinian people, especially now during the war,” Orr stated.

After announcing her position, Orr received death and rape threats and was accused of treason on social media. Her friends even described her as a self-hating Jew.

The British newspaper, The Times, quoted Sophia as saying, “Terrible things have happened in Israel, but terrible things are also happening in Gaza, and I feel sorry for everyone.”

Previously, Tal Mitnick, an 18-year-old from Tel Aviv, was sentenced to 30 days in prison for refusing to enlist in the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF). He condemned the aggression on Gaza, describing it as a “revenge campaign… not only against the Hamas movement but against the Palestinian people.”

On the day of his draft, Mitnick entered the Tel HaShomer IOF recruitment center with other members of the Mesarvot network, a group of young men who conscientiously object to the military service and hold anti-occupation sentiments. He attributed his decision to his dissatisfaction with the war on Gaza and the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestine, stating that he did not want to participate “in the continuation of repression and the cycle of bloodshed, but rather to work directly for a solution.”

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